
Crazy for Capybaras: 20 Must-Know Fun Facts!

In 1784, the Vatican declared capybaras as fish, permitting their consumption during Lent.
As the largest rodents on Earth, capybaras bring tranquillity and charm to South America’s lush landscapes.
Explore the captivating world of capybaras with twenty intriguing facts, from their origins to their quirky habits.

1 Despite their appearance, capybaras are indeed rodents, distinguishing themselves as the largest extant members of this diverse family.

2 Two species of capybaras exist: the greater capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) and the lesser capybara (hydrochaeris isthmus).

3 Though visually similar, the lesser capybara boasts smaller proportions, distinct breeding habits, and lacks the sociability of its larger counterpart, making differentiation relatively straightforward.

4 Belonging to the Cavy family, capybaras share lineage with South American rodents like the domestic guinea pig.

5 Surprisingly, there is no standard term for a gathering of capybaras. Some suggest “meditation,” reflecting their serene demeanour.

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