Decoding the Enigma: 10 Astonishing Okapi Anecdotes Facts
The okapi enigmatic nature and striking appearance make it a captivating and important species to study and protect.
1 Elusive Forest Dweller: The okapi (Okapia johnstoni) is a secretive and rarely seen mammal native to the dense rainforests of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa. It’s often referred to as the “forest giraffe” due to its resemblance to giraffes.
2 Cryptic Appearance: Okapis have a unique appearance, combining features of giraffes and zebras. They have a dark brown coat with striking horizontal white stripes on their hindquarters and legs, providing excellent camouflage in the dappled light of the forest.

3 Discovery and Naming: Okapis were unknown to the Western world until the early 20th century. They were officially described by scientists in 1901, and their name “okapi” is believed to come from the Lese word “o’api,” which was used by local people to refer to these animals.
4 Relative of Giraffes: Despite their appearance, okapis are more closely related to giraffes than zebras. They belong to the same family, Giraffidae, and share common ancestry.